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Saulo Ribeiro


Win Rate
67 %
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0 %
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Saulo Ribeiro

5' 9 (175 cm)
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rank
Saulo Ribeiro was born in Manaus, Brazil on July 2, 1974. At the age of 15 and already a Judo practitioner, Saulo started training Jiu Jitsu as a way to improve his Judo game by learning submissions. He moved away from home in December 1991 and headed to school in Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro is where Saulo began his training under Royler Gracie at the legendary Gracie Humaitá. Shortly after receiving his black belt from Royler Gracie on November 27, 1995, Saulo won the Brazilian Nationals Lightweight Title.

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