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Roberto Sanchez


Win Rate
80 %
Finish Rate
88 %
Decision Win %
50 %

Roberto Sanchez

5' 6 (168 cm)
66 in. (5' 6/168 cm)
Sanchez was born in the city of Houston, Texas. His first combat sport experience started with BJJ at the age of eighteen, serving as a training partner for his brother to test out the new moves which his brother had learned, when he was eighteen years old. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science of Mathematics in 2012, Sanchez took up a job as a Mathematics teacher in high school. He later took a hiatus from long hours teaching career to concentrate on training and competing in MMA. Today, he works full-time as an actuarial analyst for an insurance company and competes MMA professionally.
Fighter Trivia
Sanchez works a full-time job as an actuarial analyst and he worked as a high school mathematics teach and special education teach prior starting competing MMA professionally.

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