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Maximo Blanco

12Wins8Losses1Draw1No Contest

Win Rate
55 %
Finish Rate
67 %
Decision Win %
67 %

Maximo Blanco

5' 8 (173 cm)
71 in. (5' 11/180 cm)
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Main Division
Blanco, originally from Venezuela, trained in Tae Kwon Do for three years, reaching the rank of green belt, before being introduced to wrestling at the age of 14 by his cousin. Blanco competed in the sport for a year at German Villalobos High School, before being recruited to compete for the inaugural team at Sendai Ikuei Gakuen High School in Japan along with three other Venezuelans. Blanco faced problems with bullying and fitting into a new society, but continued to excel at wrestling, winning All-Japan honors before being recruited again to compete at Nihon University. Upon graduating, Blanco continued competing and won International Championships in Venezuela, China, and Azerbaijan. Blanco was also a competitor at the 2007 Pan American Games and came close to winning a Bronze Medal in the 144 lb weight division, he later lost the third place match via points to Peruvian grappler Aldo Parimango.

Awards & Accolades

  • Pancrase: Pancrase Lightweight Championship (One time)
  • Sherdog: 2010 All-Violence Second Team

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