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Marloes Coenen


Win Rate
74 %
Finish Rate
87 %
Decision Win %
60 %

Marloes Coenen

5' 9 (175 cm)
67 in. (5' 7/171 cm)
Main Division
She began training with Pierre Drachman and Martijn de Jong at Shooto Holland while only 14, who recalls that, "I really had respect for that, because it didn't matter if it rained or snowed. She still kept on coming." She started martial arts training because she had to bicycle alone through a lonely part of the forest to and from school, and she had heard rumors that there were "dirty men in the forest" who preyed on girls. Along with her competitive career, Coenen is planning to study Communications Sciences in Amsterdam with a goal of future employment in that sector. She was appointed to the municipal advisory council Sportraad Amsterdam and is the city´s ambassador for martial arts.

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Full Fight | Julia Budd vs. Marloes Coenen - Bellator 174


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