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Kimbo Slice

5Wins2Losses1No Contest

Win Rate
62 %
Finish Rate
80 %
Decision Win %
100 %

Kimbo Slice

6' 2 (188 cm)
79 in. (6' 7/200 cm)
He was raised with his brother Devon and sister Renea by his mother Rosemary Clarke. He went to Bel-Air Elementary School, where he was reportedly involved in his first fight with fellow student Dominic Sauer at the age of 13 as he tried to defend a friend. In 1992, his house in Perrine, Florida was destroyed by Hurricane Andrew, forcing him to live in his 1987 Nissan Pathfinder for a month. In 1997, he had a tryout with the Miami Dolphins and was part of the pre-season squad but was unable to secure a spot on the first team.
Fighter Trivia
In May 1994, Slice married L. Shontae, the mother of his children RaeChelle, Kevin II, and Kevinah. Kevin Jr. is also a mixed martial artist. Before he died, he enjoyed spending time with two of his grandsons, K3 and JuJu .

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UFC Debut: Kimbo Slice vs Houston Alexander | Free Fight


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