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Kenny Florian


Win Rate
70 %
Finish Rate
86 %
Decision Win %
33 %

Kenny Florian

5' 10 (178 cm)
74 in. (6' 2/188 cm)
United States
Main Division
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Coach
Roberto Maia
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rank
Florian is one of six children born to Peruvian parents: Agustin, a thoracic surgeon, and Ines Florian; however, none of his grandparents are from Peru, his ancestry includes: Spanish, Italian, German, French and Armenian. He attended Boston College where he played for the varsity soccer team . Florian worked as a translator, reworking financial documents into various foreign languages and planned on doing that for a few years before applying to law school. However, a near-death experience in Brazil inspired him to pursue his passion for mixed martial arts instead.
Fighter Trivia
On Dr Phil, Florian, along with UFC President Dana White and former Light Heavyweight Champion Forrest Griffin, talked to two high school students who participated in classroom "MMA" fights, telling them of the dangers of fighting outside of a sanctioned organization and telling them they should be training in an MMA gym instead. On June 10, 2010, Keith and Kenny received their second degree on their black belt from Prof. Roberto Maia. In a GQ interview, actor Jonah Hill credits Florian as helping him get comfortable enough to train jiu-jitsu.

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