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"The Fluke"

Josh Grispi


Win Rate
74 %
Finish Rate
79 %
Decision Win %
33 %

Josh Grispi

5' 11 (180 cm)
74 in. (6' 2/188 cm)
United States
Main Division
Grispi, a talented hockey player, was kicked out of many schools and even a paintball facility before venturing into mixed martial arts when he was 13 years old, following the advice of his father. Grispi went to South Shore Sportfighting. The sport grew on Grispi, and he began fighting in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, winning local tournaments while often being the youngest competitor.
Fighter Trivia
Grispi filed for divorce while incarcerated and has a son and a daughter with ex wife Kaitlyn. He is a distant relative of legendary boxer Rocky Marciano. Aside from fighting, Grispi used to do construction work with his father.

Awards & Accolades

  • World Extreme Cagefighting: Submission of the Night (One time) vs. LC Davis (technical guillotine choke)

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