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José Alberto Quiñónez


Win Rate
64 %
Finish Rate
33 %
Decision Win %
86 %

José Alberto Quiñónez

5' 8 (173 cm)
69 in. (5' 9/175 cm)
Quiñónez was born in Tlaltenango de Sánchez Román in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico. He was interested and involved in soccer when he was young where he tried out for Estudiantes Tecos and Pachuca soccer teams. He transitioned to train in mixed martial arts when he was a teenager together with his brother Cristian "Taylon" Quiñónez, starting out in boxing and jiu jitsu and later in MMA. Quiñónez got the entrance to UFC when he was selected as the one of the contestants in The Ultimate Fighter: Latin America 1, The Ultimate Fighter UFC TV reality series. Quiñónez was a waiter prior becoming a professional MMA fighter.
Fighter Trivia
He practiced football and soccer during all his childhood, until he was a teenager, where he started training boxing. Quiñónez distinctive mustache was the idea came from his friend and UFC fighter Yair Rodriguez, where now he has shaved it to signify a restart of his MMA career. His hobbies are reading, and hiking in nature: Exploring lakes, mountains, forests.

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