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Gerald Meerschaert


Win Rate
70 %
Finish Rate
86 %
Decision Win %
33 %

Gerald Meerschaert

6' 1 (185 cm)
77 in. (6' 5/196 cm)
United States
Main Division
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rank
Meerschaert was born in Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He trained in Taekwondo when he was young. He began playing alto saxophone in the fifth grade and through his years at Walden III Middle and High School. Meerschaert later studied music education in college, hoping to become a music teacher, before deciding to make MMA his career after watching some local MMA and UFC fights on TV. Meerschaert began training in MMA at the age of 19.
Fighter Trivia
The moniker "The Machine" was coined by his friends after seeing him constantly pushing himself in the gym without really taking any breaks. Meerschaert is an alto saxophone player. The pair have a child named Bronx.

Awards & Accolades

  • UFC: Performance of the Night (Four times) vs. Eric Spicely, Joe Gigliotti, Bartosz Fabiński and Makhmud Muradov
  • UFC: Most submission wins in UFC Middleweight division history (9)
  • UFC: Second most finishes in UFC Middleweight division history (10)
  • UFC: Highest finishes-per-win percentage in UFC history (10 finishes / 10 wins - 100%) (Minimum 10 UFC wins)
  • UFC: Second highest submissions-per-win percentage in UFC history (9 submissions / 10 wins - 90%)
  • Resurrection Fighting Alliance: Middleweight Champion (One time) vs. Chase Waldon
  • Combat USA Championship: Wisconsin State Middleweight Champion (One time) vs. Sam Alvey

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