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Gastón Reyno

8Wins2Losses2No Contests

Win Rate
67 %
Finish Rate
100 %
Decision Win %
0 %

Gastón Reyno

5' 10 (178 cm)
Main Division
Born into a family of truckers in Montevideo, Reyno dealt with intestinal and digestive problems the first few years of his life, constantly going back and forth from his home and the hospital. Despite his weak state, his mother Zully took him to taekwondo classes at the age of seven because she saw how he idolized the martial artists from the American movies . Reyno gave taekwondo classes in his garage with his friend until they gathered enough money to eventually travel around the world for competitions. He first visited the United States in 2010 during a tournament in Little Rock, Arkansas and stayed in the country on an athlete’s visa.
Fighter Trivia
On Valentine's Day in 2021, Reyno appeared on a reality dating show on Univision and met Lety Pérez, a Puerto Rican model and social media influencer. They began dating shortly thereafter and were engaged less than five months later. However, Reyno broke off the engagement in December.

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