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Eric Esch


Win Rate
61 %
Finish Rate
106 %
Decision Win %

Eric Esch

5' 11 (180 cm)
78 in. (6' 6/198 cm)
United States
Main Division
Esch, who is of German descent, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, but at age four he and his family moved to St. Johns, Michigan, only to move again at 11 years old to Jasper, Alabama, with his family. He had a difficult childhood; his mother died when he was eight, and he was frequently bullied at school for being overweight. While decking floors for manufactured homes at the Southern Energy Homes plant in Addison, Alabama, his colleagues dared him to enter a local Toughman Contest, with training in Bay City, Michigan. He won the tournament and began his career in fight sports.
Fighter Trivia
Esch is married to Libby Gaskin and has three children: sons Brandon and Caleb, and daughter Grace. Esch opened a family-run restaurant in Jasper, Alabama in 2018, called Mr. Bean's BBQ. A previous restaurant was closed due to Esch's traveling commitments at the time.

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