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Dricus du Plessis


Win Rate
89 %
Finish Rate
94 %
Decision Win %
100 %

Dricus du Plessis

6' 1 (185 cm)
75 in. (6' 3/190 cm)
South Africa
Main Division
Du Plessis started training judo at the age of five and eventually drifted to kickboxing at 14. Eventually he became a WAKO World Champion in K-1 style kickboxing, but migrated to mixed martial arts after realizing there was no money to be made in kickboxing. He attended University of Pretoria where he studied agricultural economics but dropped out during the final year to fully pursue a career in mixed martial arts.

Awards & Accolades

  • UFC: Performance of the Night (One time) vs. Trevin Giles
  • Extreme Fighting Championship: EFC Middleweight Champion (one time; former). One title defense
  • Extreme Fighting Championship: One title defense
  • Extreme Fighting Championship: EFC Welterweight Champion (one time; former)
  • Extreme Fighting Championship: One title defense
  • Konfrontacja Sztuk Walki: KSW Welterweight Champion (one time; former)
  • Konfrontacja Sztuk Walki: Fight of the Night (one time) vs. Roberto Soldić
  • Konfrontacja Sztuk Walki: Performance of the Night (one time) vs. Roberto Soldić

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