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Derrick Mehmen


Win Rate
66 %
Finish Rate
68 %
Decision Win %
50 %

Derrick Mehmen

6' 3 (191 cm)
78 in. (6' 6/198 cm)
United States
Main Division
Light Heavyweight
Mehmen was a two-time conference high school wrestling champion for Denver High School in his hometown of Denver, Iowa, placing fourth in the state meet as a junior. He later became an NJCAA All-American at Ellsworth Community College, placing fifth in the 2007 national meet before transferring to the University of Iowa, where he continued to compete in collegiate wrestling after originally signing a letter of intent to compete for South Dakota State University. Mehmen majored in communication studies.
Fighter Trivia
Mehmen is married and has a daughter. divorced and has a second daughter

Awards & Accolades

  • Inside MMA: Bazzie Award for KO Punch of the Year (2013) vs. Rolles Gracie, Jr.

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