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Chris Gruetzemacher


Win Rate
75 %
Finish Rate
67 %
Decision Win %
100 %

Chris Gruetzemacher

5' 8 (173 cm)
United States
Main Division
Gruetzemacher was born in Page, Arizona, United States, and at the age of five, his father , was shot and murdered in Arizona, this evoked his primal instinct for self-protection where he started wrestling.This sentence needs additional citations for verification. He started training BJJ and Muay Thai in 2007 to get in shape and slowly progressing to compete in MMA. He chose his professional as a fighter after decided to invest his time as an athlete in combat sport and to be part of something great in his life. He worked with the former Thailand national fight team member and multiple Muay Thai world champion, Master Kru Paul, in North Carolina to sharpen his stand up game prior finding his new training base at 2 Knuckle Sports. A typical training day for Gruetzemacher involves strength and conditioning in the morning, grappling in the evening and works on this stand up game in the later of the day after teaches two BJJ classes at 2 Knuckle Sports MMA Academy.
Fighter Trivia
Former UFC and WEC fighter and current Bellator fighter, Benson Henderson and Gruetzemacher are teammates, and they are longtime training partners. Since most of his teammates and teachers could not pronounce his last name "Gruetzemacher" correctly when he was young, they just called him "Gritz" and this is how his nickname 'Gritz" was coined. Gruetzemacher cut his signature "caveman" long hair and donated it to Wigs for Kids, a charity for children who suffer from cancer, in 2017.

Awards & Accolades

  • UFC: Performance of the Night (One time) vs. Joe Lauzon

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