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Chris Gonzalez


Win Rate
78 %
Finish Rate
57 %
Decision Win %
100 %

Chris Gonzalez

5' 11 (180 cm)
73 in. (6' 1/185 cm)
United States
Gonzalez was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, where he attended Bloom Trail High School. As a high schooler, he was a multi–sport athlete, competing in wrestling, basketball, football and track and field. Despite never qualifying for the state championships as he was sidetracked by injuries as a junior and senior and being a late starter in the sport, Gonzalez decided to pursue college wrestling. Gonzalez then accepted a scholarship to wrestle at the Northern Michigan University, which offered a Greco-Roman program. Throughout his international career, Gonzalez, who represented the New York Athletic Club, went on to make the 2016 US World Team, placing 8th at the World Championships, placed multiple times at the US Open and claimed medals from tournaments such as the Dave Schultz and Bill Farrell Memorial Internationals.
Fighter Trivia
Christopher's father, Gaspar Gonzalez, was born and raised in Havana, Cuba and immigrated to the United States in 1961.

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