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"Kid Lightning"

Bryan Caraway


Win Rate
71 %
Finish Rate
82 %
Decision Win %
44 %

Bryan Caraway

5' 8 (173 cm)
68 in. (5' 8/173 cm)
United States
Main Division
Caraway's father is a two-time Purple Heart recipient and a Vietnam veteran. Caraway is from Goldendale, Washington and attended North Idaho College for one year and then went to Central Washington University for three and half years, where he was on the wrestling team until the program was dropped in 2004, due to lack of talent on the team. One of Caraway's teammates, a cousin of UFC veteran Dennis Hallman, introduced Caraway to the MMA veteran, who was also an accomplished fighter. Caraway began fighting in the spring of 2004 and then moved to train in his hometown of Yakima, WA.
Fighter Trivia
In 2014, Tate was credited with saving the life of Bryan's mother, Chris Caraway, when the latter suffered an asthma attack while scuba diving, stopped breathing and became completely unresponsive. In February 2021, Caraway was charged with forgery, theft, and insurance fraud over a 2015 Polaris RZR ATV that he allegedly stole from his ex-girlfriend Miesha Tate. Released in 2013, the film is directed by indie filmmaker James Z. Feng and produced by RiLL Films.

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