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B.J. Penn


Win Rate
50 %
Finish Rate
81 %
Decision Win %
25 %

B.J. Penn

5' 9 (175 cm)
70 in. (5' 10/178 cm)
United States
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Coach
André Pederneiras
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rank
In mixed martial arts, Penn has competed in the Featherweight, Lightweight, Welterweight, Middleweight, and Heavyweight/Openweight divisions. Penn was considered one of the top pound-for-pound mixed martial artists in the world early in his career and holds victories over opponents such as Din Thomas, Caol Uno, Paul Creighton, and Matt Serra. During a meeting at the Hawaii State Department of Education building multiple board members and acting superintendent Keith Hayashi, were told by Penn, “You’re all gonna be gone when I’m governor!” Penn is regarded as one of the best competitors in the UFC's history.
Fighter Trivia
is a shortened version of another nickname "Baby Jay", which itself derives from the fact that Penn is the youngest of his brothers all named "Jay Dee Penn". Penn has also stated that he identifies strongly with his Korean roots and has traveled to South Korea to hold seminars. Penn was also the subject of a Paternity Lawsuit in relation to his daughter, Mahina Amado, approximately a year after the girl's birth.

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