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"Mr. Highlight"

Andre Ewell


Win Rate
65 %
Finish Rate
65 %
Decision Win %
60 %

Andre Ewell

5' 11 (180 cm)
76 in. (6' 4/193 cm)
United States
Main Division
Ewell, who is a Riverside, California native, excelled in football and track and field at Arlington High School. He was offered a full scholarship to go to University of California, Los Angeles after his graduated from high school. During his college year, inspired by Roy Jones Jr., he picked up boxing and wanted to pursue it as a career but his first few boxing matches results were disappointing. Ewell transitioned to mixed martial arts, hoping he could find success in the sport and could prove to the court he has value and he could be the financial provider for his son. It got to that moment that I had to do something that I honestly love, and my son’s going to grow up watching that and seeing that not only am I great at it, but it's all for him.
Fighter Trivia
Ewell has a son named Eli Edward Ewell.

Awards & Accolades

  • Classic Entertainment and Sports (CES MMA): Classic Entertainment and Sports Bantamweight Champion (One time) vs. Dinis Paiva

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