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Lee Murray

8Wins2Losses1Draw1No Contest

Win Rate
67 %
Finish Rate
100 %
Decision Win %
0 %

Lee Murray

6' 0 (183 cm)
United Kingdom
Main Division
On his mother Barbara Murray's side, Lee's family hails from Bermondsey, a densely populated semi-docklands part of south London between Tower Bridge and the Old Kent Road which is considered a traditional breeding ground for professional criminals, especially armed robbers. The Murray home was 6 Godstow Road in Abbey Wood between Shooter's Hill – possibly named because it was once a notorious area for highway robbery – and the River Thames, in the ESE of London. The couple's first child, Lee, was born in St Nicholas Hospital, Plumstead, on 12 November 1977, and was initially raised by his mother while Brahim continued to live and work in the Canary Islands. A skinny youngster, Murray's preferred method of attack was running into battle wind-milling his arms around his head with a "manic" expression on his face, a maneuver which, combined with his protruding ears, earned him the nickname of "Alien," which he hated.

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