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Alessio Di Chirico


Win Rate
65 %
Finish Rate
77 %
Decision Win %
43 %

Alessio Di Chirico

6' 0 (183 cm)
74 in. (6' 2/188 cm)
Main Division
Di Chirico was born in Rome, Italy. He attended University of Foro Italico, majoring in Sport and Science. He started playing American football when he was young and he was the linebacker for Grizzlies Rome from 2008 to 2011. He started MMA training to lose weight and his friend Giovanni Pinelli introduced MMA to him, and decided to transition to MMA from American football after 2011. He joined Roman Gymnasium Hung Mun and started his MMA training there.
Fighter Trivia
Di Chirico is founder of his current MMA Team, the GLORIA Fight Center based in Rome. Di Chirico considers Italian MMA fighters to be knights instead of gladiators for Italians. MMA fighters are gentlemen, committing to fight for a principle and for an idea, according to his philosophy.

Awards & Accolades

  • UFC: Performance of the Night (Two times) vs. Oluwale Bamgbose and Joaquin Buckley

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